Michael D. Ramsey

              Professor of Law, University of San Diego Law School

Information on Advising Law Journal Comments and Independent Study


Policies Regarding Law Journal Comments and Independent Study


I am happy to serve as an advisor for comments being prepared under the direction of the San Diego Law Review and the San Diego Journal of International Law, subject to the following guidelines:


             1.  I will accept up to three students per academic year as formal advisees.  In general, I will accept the first three such requests received, in person or by email, provided (a) they present a reasonably well-formulated general topic of research, and (b) they fall within the subject-matter guidelines stated below.  There is substantial demand for supervision of comments, so students are advised to apply as early as possible in the academic year.


             2.  In general, I will advise on any topic involving public international law, international business law, transnational litigation, U.S. foreign relations and national security law, and the foreign affairs provisions of the U.S. Constitution.  Due to a lack of expertise and the difficulty of the subject matter, I will not advise on projects that principally involve comparative law or intellectual property law.  Due to the demand for advising international projects, I will not advise on aspects of U.S. constitutional law that do not have substantial international or foreign affairs dimensions.


Ordinarily I will not accept independent study projects.  The law school academic rules state that independent study can be pursued only in areas in which supervised writing is not otherwise available.  The law school provides substantial opportunity for supervised writing on international subjects, so in general this requirement for independent study will not be satisfied.  Special requests for independent study supervision will be considered, subject to the guidelines set forth above for law journal comments.


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